Online ads are annoying, unsafe, and they spy on you. So block them.

An adblocker is a small piece of software that you install on your computer, tablet, or phone. Websites often contain instructions that tell your computer to show you ads. The adblocker steps in and makes your computer ignore those instructions — in other words, it blocks the ads.

Magnifying glass Blocking ads protects your privacy

Advertising companies want to track everything you do on the Internet. If you block their ads, it's much harder for them to. This helps preserve your online privacy.

Shield Blocking ads helps stop malware

Sometimes, ads are used by criminals to distribute malicious software like viruses. It has even happened on mainstream websites, like Forbes, Yahoo, and The New York Times. When you block ads, you avoid this problem.

Balance scale Blocking ads also blocks scams

Scammers can use online ads to fool people into buying fake products and spending money on fake services. The consequences can be financially devastating. Blocking ads means blocking some of these scams.

Expand Still need more reasons?

Still need more reasons to block ads?

Money It saves you money

Every ad that appears on your screen got there through your Internet or mobile data connection, and is powered by your phone or laptop battery. Advertisers are essentially spending your money to show you ads. Why let them?

Lightbulb It's better for the environment

Digital advertising is a massive, global industry that uses enormous amounts of energy to distribute ads. That energy is wasted on transmitting junk data that most people ignore anyway. You can reduce this waste by blocking ads.

Hourglass It gives you a better experience

When you browse the web, you aren't there to see ads. You're there to read the news, do your shopping, and connect with friends. Ads ruin this experience by slowing your connection down, getting in the way, and distracting your attention. Adblockers make your experience online much faster and smoother.

Say goodbye to ads forever


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Spread the great news!

Let your friends know that you're blocking ads. Help them find the light too by posting about on your social media. Don't know what to say? Try one of these ideas:

You @your_username

Here's the best another great way to block ads in :

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Check out some other ways to block ads in :

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